Designing the future of learning is driven by the pursuit of possibility. It is fueled with an empathetic beginning and anchored by past, present and future experiences along the path of each individual "learner." It is not isolated by theory, but action driven with a vulnerable commitment to growth. The process to arrival is outlined below...
Dreams should be limitless at their inception.
The collective goal in the launch of our transformative process is to capture the vision for where you aspire to go without fear of barriers or restraints that may surface. This limitless exploration provides a beautiful base to develop motivations and outcomes to fuel the design of the path that lies ahead.
You've clearly defined the dream and we seamlessly shift to designing sets of experiences that are alive and rich with purpose to be put into the world. This phase in our process is blossoms through collaboration and establishes a personalized solution "map" that will frame your next steps. This is difficult, emotional and dirty work. It will be accelerated through positive tension and will begin to deeply change your mindset through action. Illuminated by an articulated sense of urgency, you will be ready to deliver.
While LX is undeniably created through a calibrated embrace of art and science, it is firmly grounded in relationships. Now that you have completed your "design," it is time to launch. As you unpack the process that at every turn will require the navigation of change, celebrate the barriers and lean into the turns. Feedback will support iteration and while in a continuous state of reflection, you will identify new learning to make adjustments and modify.
Congratulations, you've completed the cycle. Celebrate, take a breath and prepare to repeat.
Copyright © 2019 d3LX
dream. design. deliver.